Estimating the economic cost of Type Approval processes in the Australian rail industry
This report assesses the costs of the existing TA processes and based on consultation with industry participants (network operators, contractors, suppliers), assesses the extent to which these costs are excessive and the scope for direct and indirect cost savings to be achieved under alternative approaches.
Community values for green public open space in Perth, Western Australia – a choice modelling analysis
With a drying climate, Perth is facing difficult decisions about how to manage green public open space (POS) in the metropolitan area. At present, local councils irrigate POS with groundwater. But this resource is becoming depleted owing to reduced recharge, prompting the State government to consider reducing licensed allocations. In this study we use a choice modelling survey of 525 Perth households to assess whether community is prepared to pay for more expensive sources of ...
New Acland Coal Mine Stage 3
Synergies was engaged by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) to undertake a rapid Social Benefit-Cost Analysis (SBCA) of a proposal by New Hope Group to develop a new coal mine in the Darling Downs region of southeast Queensland. A ‘rapid’ SBCA aims to identify (and value in dollar terms where possible) just the major impacts as opposed to a more detailed, comprehensive assessment of all impacts.
Cost-benefit analysis of the implementation of landfill disposal bans in Queensland
The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP) engaged Synergies Economic Consulting (Synergies) and MRA Consulting Group (MRA) to assess the feasibility of introducing landfill disposal bans in Queensland.
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Providing Early Intervention to Children with Autism
Synergies Economic Consulting was engaged by AEIOU to assist with drafting a submission in response to the PC issues paper that responds to the issues to be addressed in the PC inquiry that were of interest to AEIOU in terms of the impact on its future operations, particularly in relation to the provision of government assistance and the appropriate models for providing childcare and early learning services to children with developmental disabilities.
Economic Costs of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia
Synergies Economic Consulting was engaged by the Not for Profit Children’s Lobby Group to undertake a cost-benefit analysis of early intervention for children with autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down syndrome, hearing impairment and visual impairment. The first stage of the project involved undertaking detailed literature reviews on lifetime outcomes across the five disabilities, early intervention treatments commonly employed and also studies assessing the benefits of early intervention.